Thursday, 10 October 2019

Some Of The Options For Theatre Curtain Cleaning

It is a fact that theatre curtains do get dirty, especially if they are closed manually by a walkalong. However, even if they are closed electrically, they are still subject to dust and dirt from the auditorium, from scene-shifting, and from all the other activities that take place on a stage.

Both natural fabrics and synthetics will attract dust, but synthetics the more so because synthetics carry a sight electromagnetic charge – static – which is a dust magnet. Dust is not flame retardant.

The best option for curtain cleaning for curtains, cycs, legs, and so on, that are made of natural fibres – cotton, polycotton, linen, silk, jute – is dry cleaning. Natural fabric curtains have been treated with a fire retardant which is water soluble, so if you wash them, they will need to be retreated with flame retardant chemical spray again. Even dry cleaning will somewhat reduce the flame retardancy and some fabrics will need to be retreated after as little as three dry cleanings, while others may last for a dozen or more. It is necessary to test the fabric for flame retardancy after each cleaning.

Since flame retardant chemicals are affected by water, high changes in the humidity of the venue can also affect the flame resistance. For this reason, it is necessary to check the flame retardance periodically.

Synthetic drapery cleaning should be carried out at least once a year, and the best method is vacuuming. If you don’t want to clean curtains yourself, you can find a curtain cleaning service who will come and do it for you.

The Uses Of Stage Lighting

One of the most important things that comes under the heading of stage equipment or theatre equipment is the lighting. Lights allow us to see, and they can be used to create a mood. There are no particular rules about creating a mood: it is an artistic process that is supposed to support the story of what is happening on the stage.

Lighting is required to enhance all of the parts of the stage performance. Lighting can bring focus to a particular point, highlighting what is important and equally perhaps de-emphasising another area that is not so important, so that the focus of the audience is on the important part of the story.

Lighting can be used to take an audience away from the auditorium and into another time and place. For instance, if a scene is set in the past – perhaps the 19th century or earlier - then dim lighting can recreate the effect of candle-light or oil lamps which were used before the advent of electricity. Lights can also underscore the mood or action of the performance and can bring it to life with a combination of colours, intensity, angles, and effects.

Different stage lights can be used for different purposes. An ellipsoidal reflector spotlight can highlight a point with a fairly narrow beam while parabolic reflectors create a wash effect and can cover the whole stage. A Fresnel is something of a combination between a parabolic reflector and an ellipsoidal reflector spotlight and has a zoom function, while a moving head can be a spot, wash, or beam light which all have different beam angle ranges.

Some of the Types of Theatre Curtains We Supply at Cameo Curtains

Theatre curtains are used for a number of different purposes, many types being used to block light or sound, or to help sound move the way it is desired – normally towards the audience – improving the sound quality.

Front of house curtains are the visual barrier between the stage and the audience and are usually closed before the performance begins and during intervals. Intervals allow the stagehands to change the scenery if required without the audience seeing what is going on. Front of house curtains, or main curtains, are always made of inherently flame-retardant material.

Blackout curtains can be used in a number of different ways in order to dim or completely block light. They can be used at the sides of the stage performance area in order to hide off-stage areas and equipment from the view of the audience. These legs, as they are sometimes called, are made from light masking fabrics that totally or partially block the light from reaching the stage. They also minimise any light reflection from the stage itself.

Read more information: Blackout curtains