Monday, 19 August 2019

Some Things To Consider When Buying Curtains For Large Windows

The curtains that you choose can make or break your room, so it is important to spend some time choosing the type of material that you want, especially when considering curtains for big windows. There are a number of things to take into consideration.

The first of these is the type of fabric. If it is too light, they may not hang well, and if too heavy they may not fold crisply when they are drawn, especially when choosing curtains for wide windows. It is worthwhile holding a piece of the fabric up to a window – even in the fabric shop – by pleating a piece at the top like an accordion and holding it up to see how well it drapes. If it flares outwards, it probably won’t hang very well.

 It is also worth noting that, if your room gets a lot of sunlight, it is probably a good idea to avoid very bright colours for the simple reason that they tend to fade faster than neutral colours. If you choose neutral colours you will find that they tend to blend in better with the room.

Another consideration when choosing curtains for large windows is how high above the window you want them to start. If you hang them six inches above the window it adds a sense of height to the room, and you could go even more if there is space. When measuring the width, add up to eight inches on each side and double the total figure. This will give fullness to the curtains and when open they won’t block the glass in the window.

Cleaning Stage Curtains Is A Specialist Job

If you have any sort of stage curtains, whether in a village hall, church hall, theatre, cinema, and more, there is no doubt that – as with anything else – they will get dirty over time. Of course, if your curtains at home get dirty you can simply take them down and put them in the washing machine if they are not too big, and of course depending on the material. If they are simply net curtains you can wash them, but otherwise you might have to take them to the dry cleaners instead for curtain cleaning.

 However, stage curtains are a whole different ball game, partly because of their size, and partly because they may need to be flameproofed. As it happens, there are companies around who can undertake drapery cleaning of stage curtains because they have the right sort of equipment that can handle very large items, and they have trained staff.

Of course, a curtain cleaning service for curtains the size of stage curtains is not going to be cheap, but it is a lot less expensive to have your stage curtains cleaned every now and again rather than leaving them until they really look dreadful and then throwing them away and buying new. In the meantime, your audience would be sitting there looking at tatty old curtains that haven’t been cleaned in years. This could even have an effect on your takings, because you might find that people would stop attending your shows simply because of the state of the curtains.

Friday, 16 August 2019

Don’t Buy New Stage Curtains – Get Your Present Ones Cleaned

Nothing lasts forever, and unfortunately, that includes theatre curtains. As a very rough rule of thumb, it has been said that, with all the abuse they suffer, after ten years, theatre curtains are going to look a little the worse for wear.

However, that is only a very rough guide and will depend on the type of material (obviously), how often they are used, and the type of venue. Obviously, the amount of use can vary enormously, with West End theatres maybe having ten productions a week, while the local village hall may only have half a dozen a year. However, whether they are in a West End theatre or the village hall, they will still get dirty – some fabrics more so than others.

So what’s the answer? Do you bite the bullet, pull them down, and invest in new curtains, or what? That’s certainly one answer, but it can be an expensive one.

Read More Visit - curtain cleaning service