Friday, 16 August 2019

Don’t Buy New Stage Curtains – Get Your Present Ones Cleaned

Nothing lasts forever, and unfortunately, that includes theatre curtains. As a very rough rule of thumb, it has been said that, with all the abuse they suffer, after ten years, theatre curtains are going to look a little the worse for wear.

However, that is only a very rough guide and will depend on the type of material (obviously), how often they are used, and the type of venue. Obviously, the amount of use can vary enormously, with West End theatres maybe having ten productions a week, while the local village hall may only have half a dozen a year. However, whether they are in a West End theatre or the village hall, they will still get dirty – some fabrics more so than others.

So what’s the answer? Do you bite the bullet, pull them down, and invest in new curtains, or what? That’s certainly one answer, but it can be an expensive one.

Read More Visit - curtain cleaning service

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